The Cat Mag Welcomes the Coolest Cat in Canada – Sherlock!

The Cat Mag Introduces Sherlock!

Frank L. Whiting the founder, publisher, editor, senior writer and art director of The Cat Mag would like to introduce Sherlock. Sherlock, one of my oldest friends and a very cool dude will be the crime writer.

Starting with the premier edition of The Cat Mag, you can ride along with Sherlock, and the idiot Watson, as they face excitement and danger on the mean streets of Toronto!

Olivia Ashley-Cooper Joins The Cat Mag

The Cat Mag Welcomes Olivia Ashley-Cooper

Frank L. Whiting announced today that Olivia Ashley-Cooper has agreed to join The Cat Mag as a product reviewer. Dame Olivia, as she prefers to be known, said, “As a member of the British aristocracy, I am used to only the very best products. My reviews will be tough but fair. I won’t accept anything but the best quality products, as even the lowliest cat should not have to accept anything less than the best.”

(Dame Olivia has never met a lowly cat, but feels her education in both England and Switzerland has provided her with a well balanced perspective as to how “The other half” should live!)

Thoughts on The Cat Mag

The idea for The Cat Mag first came about after a late night on the town with a number of my fellow cats. For too long humans have felt they were capable of telling our stories, explaining our needs, understanding our thoughts and describing our behaviors. But, they have never lived our lives, and all their understanding is second hand.

Watch the video to learn more.

It’s Halloween – So keep your cats indoors!

Halloween Cats

It’s Halloween so keep your cats indoors tonight! Along with the kids, all the crazies are out tonight, some of whom think it’s great fun to torment cats, especially black cats!

The amount of people out and about on Halloween, along with increased vehicular traffic can make the outdoors a frightening and unsafe place for cats.

If possible keep your cats in a closed room, in case they panic and slip out when trick or treaters come to the door. Even the calmest cat can become upset at endless doorbell ringing and voices shouting “Trick or treat!” Enjoy the night but try to avoid stressing your cats.

Happy Halloween!